Beginner Dribbling Drills

Dribble V
Start off with the basketball in front of you dribbling it from left to right. Your ball should bounce in the middle of your stance and should create the letter “V” when going back and forth. Take your time as you will soon get the hang of it with both hands.

As you’re dribbling the basketball in the V formation, take a step with the foot that is on the same side as the basketball, push off that foot as if you’re going to go in that direction, and then push the basketball across the front of your body to the other side. Your basketball will essentially make the shape of a ‘v’ when you execute your crossover but the ball will slightly bounce more on the side it is going too instead of bouncing in the middle.

Between the LegsDribble the basketball in your dominant hand and step with your opposite foot. As you step, push the basketball towards the ground in the space you’ve created between your feet. While this is happening, be ready to receive the ball in the same dribbling motion with your opposite hand.

Spin MoveStart with the ball in your right hand - when you want to spin on your defender, you'll step with your left foot then spin your body so that your back is protecting your dribble. As you're spinning, you're bringing your dribble with you and catching the ball with your left hand as you finish the spin.

Behind the Back
As you’re dribbling the basketball, take a step with the foot that is on the same side as the basketball. As you do this, push the ball behind your back so that it hits the ground more than midway towards the opposite side of your body. When the ball is coming off the ground, you should be ready to begin dribbling with your opposite hand in the same motion. It’s essentially a crossover, but behind your back. In addition, you want to make sure that off hand is ready to receive the ball.

In & OutAs you’re dribbling the basketball in your right hand, place your hand on the side of the ball and start to push it across your body. Then as you’re looking as if you’re going to continue that way push off your left foot and cut back to the right while you shift your hand over the ball and push it back to the right. The most important part of this move is selling it to your defender so be sure to use your head, eyes, and left leg like you’re going to change directions. If you sell this move, it will definitely get your defender off balance for you to get by them.

Between the Legs
Dribble the basketball in your dominant hand and step with your opposite foot. As you step, push the basketball towards the ground in the space you’ve created between your feet. While this is happening, be ready to receive the ball in the same dribbling motion with your opposite hand.

Intermediate Dribbling Drills

In & Out with 2 ballsAs you’re dribbling both basketballs with your hands, place your hand on the side of the ball and start to push it across your body while at the same time just making a dribble with the other. Then as you’re looking as if you’re going to continue that way push off your left foot and cut back to the right while you shift your hand over the ball and push it back to the right. Once you complete the move, immediately go into the move with the other hand while making a dribble with the hand that just did the in & out.  The hands are now doing what the opposite hand did previously.
Piston Dribble 2 ballsAs you dribble with down with one hand, the other hand is catching the ball to dribble. You can walk, jog, or run doing this. As one hand receives one ball, the other hand is bouncing the ball.

Right hand low, Left hand high or Left hand low, Right hand high 2 balls Start of with either hand bouncing the basketball low under your knee or lower and the other hand bouncing the ball about your shoulder or higher. Get low, bend your knees, and walk like a duck to make sure you keep control of the basketballs. This is no a fast drill so make sure your are using your legs to keep you stable instead of your back.
Kills Start of with getting low, bending your knees, and walking like a duck. Start bouncing both balls below your knee or lower. This is no a fast drill so make sure your are using your legs to keep you stable instead of your back.

Advanced Dribbling Drills

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